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Dr. Bank is by far the strongest voice for veterans in Eastern Washington. She will stand with our military and veterans in Congress. — Major General Irv Halter
United States Air Force, (retired)

The government should help people gain access to medical care, but not be involved in our personal healthcare choices.  This is one of many reasons why I support Dr. Bank for Congress.  I am also impressed with her courage to visit Ukraine.  She personally witnessed why it's critical that we support Ukraine in defeating Putin and defending their democracy. — Petra Hoy
2023 Women of the Year, Community Organizer of Be The Change-Eastside Gladiators a grassroots and nonpartisan organization

I'm traditionally a Conservative, and I'm endorsing Dr. Bernadine Bank for Congress.  I served in the Army for 41 years - 17 as an enlisted Soldier (enlisted and Noncommissioned Officer) and then an additional 24 years as a commissioned officer, thankfully retiring as a full Colonel.  From what I see, Dr. Bank stands up and advocates for what is right – not what is popular to any specific political party or side.  She takes a very educated view of a situation and isn't blinded by 15-second sound bites, memes, or "reels."  I encourage all voters to please do the same – take the time to learn the issues, ask questions that are challenging, and try to get the perspective from the other side.

— Colonel Charles Hancock
United States Army (retired)

It is my pleasure to announce that the 9th LD of The State of Washington is proud to endorse Dr. Bernie Bank for The United States House of Representatives, State of Washington Congressional District 5. The People's House—Power to The People. — Jay Ball
Chair Washington 9th Legislative District

I am excited to endorse Dr. Bernadine Bank in her bid for Congress.  Dr Bank has unique insight into the decline of women's health in America and knows what has to be done to solve this unnecessary but very real crisis.  Dr Bank started the Gynecology Department at the Spokane Veterans Hospital and has a clear perspective on Veterans' issues that is invaluable to Veterans and their families.  This district's rural medical facilities are in crisis, and she will fight to increase and improve healthcare throughout the district.  Dr. Bank has the skillset to listen to concerns, foster dialogue, and advocate for solutions.  That's why she has earned my endorsement for Washington's 5th Congressional District. — Tim Hattenburg
Spokane Valley City Councilman

I met Dr. Bank three years ago in a book discussion group.  She is thoughtful, asks deep questions, and listens attentively to others.  She is a "doer" -- full of energy and gets things done.  Having raised two children and worked in private practice and for the VA, she is concerned about the future of our country and our environment.  I trust Dr. Bank to make the best possible use of political office.  — Rev. Beth Plumbo
Board Certified Chaplain, Sacred Heart Medical Center and Children's Hospital

I am a forensic psychiatrist and an expert in sexual assault who has testified for the prosecution in many recent famous sexual assault cases.  Many of these cases have involved violence against both men and women.  I met Dr. Bernadine Bank in medical school.  For the past 30+ years, I have witnessed her be smart, capable, resourceful, tenacious, caring, and unwavering in her dedication to the patients under her care.  In these fractious political times, perhaps the most unique quality of Dr. Bank is her unimpeachable commitment to acting ethically in every situation in which she is placed.  She is incorruptible and will work tirelessly to meet the needs of her constituents.  She is courageous and will not back down when challenged.  She is thoughtful, and will always be up to speed on any issue she tackles.  In short, Bernie is the kind of politician the Founding Fathers had in mind when they set up the structure of our government; an involved citizen who is willing to contribute time and energy for the good of the country.

— Barbara Ziv, M.D.

I have known Bernie both professionally and personally for over 30 years now.  She is an excellent surgeon, an empathic listener, and the kind of individual who has developed a fiercely loyal patient following.  I know her to be easygoing, level-headed, remarkably knowledgeable over a wide range of subjects, and someone who can have you laughing instantly!  While determined in her approach to societal needs, she nevertheless graciously considers contrasting points of view.  In a Congress like today's polarized, vitriolic, immature, self-serving House, she is the sensible "real" person we need to guide our nation.

— Dr. Jeff Thurston
Author of 1000 Questions About Your Pregnancy and Former Clinical Professor at UTSW Medical School

Having collaborated with Dr. Bank for over two decades in the healthcare setting, I am confident in her ability to bring about positive change and represent the best interests of our community.  Throughout her career, Dr. Bank has consistently demonstrated an unwavering passion for women's healthcare issues and veterans' affairs.  Her commitment to human dignity is exemplary, and I have been privileged to witness her compassionate and caring interactions with our patients.  Her extensive knowledge in the healthcare field, combined with her genuine concern for the well-being of others, sets her apart as an outstanding advocate for our community.

— Selina Lee Branham

I have had the opportunity to work with Dr. Bank for several years.  She has dedicated her career to improving the health of women and veterans.  She is intelligent, hard-working, and cares deeply for the community.  I am confident that Dr. Bank is the best person to represent us in Washington!

— Dr. Ashlee Mickelson
CHAS Pediatrician

As one of Dr. Bank's students, I can attest to her genuine concern and empathy for her patients.  Her regard for others extends beyond the medical office, evidenced by her desire to publicly advocate for the rights and liberties of her fellow citizens in one of the most impactful ways—Congress.

— Michelle Junevitch
RN, WSU PhD ARNP candidate

Bernadine Bank, MD, has the knowledge and experience to lead District 5 into the future.  New leadership is needed for our changing area, and Bernadine is able to address actual solutions to issues that plague this area of the state.  As a nurse, I am confident that she is the best candidate for the position and can breathe new life into Washington's 5th Congressional District as its representative.

— Elizabeth Budig

As an advanced practice nurse-midwife for 15 years and a United States citizen, I believe we are at a critical crossroads in our nation's history.  I am the granddaughter and daughter of the generations of women who fought for equality under the law.  Equality at every level, including self-agency and our right to healthcare.  I am confident that Dr. Bank will be a strong advocate not only for women's reproductive rights but also has the skill and perspective to successfully navigate the broader issues impacting the well-being of our society.  As healthcare providers, we have a unique window into people's everyday lives, and we see firsthand the struggles and obstacles that people face daily.  Dr. Bank has what it takes to represent our region with wisdom, knowledge, and strength. She has my vote!

— Shelley L. Northern

 I wish to express my enthusiastic support for Dr. Bernadine Bank, a dedicated physician who is running for Congress in Washington's 5th Congressional District.  Dr. Bank's campaign slogan, "A Physician, Not a Politician," truly encapsulates her commitment to public service and her unique perspective as a healthcare provider.  I wholeheartedly believe that she is the best candidate to represent the interests of our community in Congress.  Her firsthand experience working with the VA has given her a deep understanding of the healthcare challenges faced by our community.  Dr. Bank has not just witnessed these challenges from a distance but has been on the frontline, working to improve the lives of countless individuals and families.  Dr. Bernadine Bank's dedication to public service, her unwavering commitment to the well-being of her patients, and her advocacy for women's health make her an exceptional candidate for Congress.  Her perspective as a healthcare provider will bring a much-needed voice to discussions on healthcare policy, veterans' affairs, and the overall well-being of our community, with a specific focus on women's health issues.  Her values and principles are rooted in her genuine desire to make a positive impact on the lives of others, and I have no doubt that she will bring these same qualities to her role as a member of Congress. 

— Pamala Phelps

As politicians have continued to make decisions at an alarming rate on women's reproductive health, it's vastly important that we vote for representatives that reflect our values, have our health and needs at the forefront of their minds, and earn our trust.  Dr. Bernadine Bank is running for the fifth legislative congressional seat and I could not imagine someone better for that role.  She has substantial experience advocating for women, all while founding the gynecological department at the Spokane VA hospital.  Over the past year I have gotten to work closely with Dr. Bank as she cares for Women and their health at CHAS (Community Health Clinic).  I have seen first hand the impact she makes in her patients' lives, ensuring they receive exceptional care regardless of their background or social economic status. 

— Rocio Diaz

I have known Dr. Bank for around 15 years, as we both serve as physicians at CHAS Health in Spokane, WA.  I believe she is an exceptional individual who would represent her constituents with passion and a deep understanding of what this community needs most.  I am happy to endorse her candidacy

— Dr. Daniel Moorman
MD, Pediatrician

I have known and worked with Dr. Bernadine Bank for six years.  I have found her to be a very competent and compassionate physician.  Her expertise and care have greatly benefited patients at the VA and at CHAS.  Other medical providers (such as myself) also have had the privilege of learning from her.  Dr. Bank has a remarkable combination of intelligence and integrity.  Because she has stood up and will stand up for what is right, she will be a positive representation, not just for women and veterans, but for everyone in our district. — Dr. Dorothy Ling
MD, retired

I first met Dr. Bernadine (Bernie) Bank during our undergraduate years over 40 years ago.  Our friendship was further cemented in medical school and has continued to flourish throughout the years.  Although Dr. Bank's career in Obstetrics/Gynecology focuses on women's health, she was also dedicated to improving veterans' health during her tenure at the Spokane VA Medical Center.  For example, she introduced a number of office procedures so Veterans would not require referrals to the community.  She also helped compile up-to-date gynecology medication tables to make ordering more straightforward.  Now more than ever, we need someone who is empathetic, passionate, energetic, and motivated to fully represent Washington's 5th Congressional District in DC.   I have no doubt whatsoever that Dr. Bank is the best candidate to fill that need.

— Lisa Freeland

I am a gynecologic oncologist who has been practicing medicine in Spokane, Washington, for over 23 years.  I have known Dr. Bank professionally for several years.  I can attest to her excellent skills and reputation as an obstetrician and gynecologist caring for many women at the CHAS clinic and VA Hospital in Spokane.  Dr. Bank is passionate about Women's Healthcare, Veterans Healthcare, and the healthcare of all Americans.  She has a deep understanding of the current crisis in healthcare across this nation, especially as it impacts access and equity for healthcare.  She is also acutely aware of the financial crisis healthcare is facing in this country. I would consider Dr. Bank an individual who can truly represent ALL people in District Five and represent a moderate view in this divided world of American politics.  She will be an excellent congresswoman.

— Dr. Elizabeth Grosen
MD, Division Chief of Women’s Health at Providence Medical Group

As just another career soldier, I am not anyone whose influence is likely to sway another so my personal "endorsement" probably isn't worth much. I did not know anything about Dr. Bank until receiving a post card announcing her candidacy, and then I read more. I paid due diligence because we all should but don't always. Take a look at the Congress we currently have. My real endorsement is coming in the form of my vote for her. It wasn't necessarily anything she has said or what others have said about her, it was what she has done and continues to do. As a disabled American Veteran who does receive care at our local VA Medical Center, and I don't like playing that card, she has already proven to me her dedication to our country, our service members who have sacrificed for all of us in ways you may not see, and our health, particularly that of women who are sorely underrepresented in making laws and bearing greater burden than they ought to have. Every good person in this district should, in my judgement, vote for Bernadine Bank. — Ron Weaks
Ron Weaks

Paid for by Friends of Dr. Bernadine Bank 
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